Thursday, May 26, 2011

Packwood RV Park, Washington and Mt. Rainier

Sunday evening ended with playing javelin throwing and bowling on the X Box with Eddie and Joanna while Karin laughed on the sofa. Needless to say Franklin and Aimee didn't hold a candle to Eddie and Joanna's skills and were the reason the game was so humerous. SUCH FUN THOUGH! Monday morning brought goodbyes to the Sheppard family and restocking of the camper pantry. We traveled toward Packwood through small farming/logging towns enjoying the lushness of the Washington forest. Packwood, a one street town nestled among towering snow covered mountains with Rainier being KING, appeared to have a rather large vacation/tourist draw with resturants, ice cream shops, pubs, grocery stores, real estate offices and even a well stocked liquior store. The RV park was not the most well equipped by any means but the scenery and activities made up for that. We endulged ourselves on delicious Pacific oysters and crabs from Pike Market for dinner, WHAT A TREAT!! Tuesday was a GREAT day, we loaded our bikes on the truck and drove up a Gifford/Pinchot Forest road to the parking lot for a ride to Packwood Lake. We pedaled in about 4 miles until snow pack on the trail forced us to leave the bikes chained to a tree and hike the remainder. This 400 acre pristine lake was breathtaking and we enjoyed a hike up into the Goat Rock Wilderness as well. The entire day of hiking and biking was ours and ours alone. NOT A SOLE DID WE SEE. Rainier was Wednesday's adventure and even though we enjoyed it in the rain and SNOW, to see this GIANT was AWESOME! Entering by way of the Nisqually Entrance, the only entrance open, we saw Kautz Creek, the site of the 1947 mudflow, seeing the tremendous trees that are in the creek bed let you know what a harsh environment it is even today. Old growth forest, waterfalls at every turn and Longmire mineral springs area led the way up to Paradise and road closures. We enjoyed the Paradise Visitors Center and learned about the many glaciers on Mt. Rainier as well as that it receives more snow (this year so far- 900 inches) than any other place in the lower 48 states.Yesterday was no exception. Heading out Thursday am (just before a HUGE yard sale begins that the locals say bring in about 15,000 people to Packwood) with our sights on crossing the border into Canada before days end.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

A few more photos and PIKE PLACE MARKET

We wanted to add one more wonderful place Eddie, Karin and Joanna shared with us. Pikes Place Market - Fresh seafood at every turn including the throwing of the fish once selected by the customer to the employee behind the counter to weigh and wrap. Bought lost of fresh fruits and vegetables to take along as well as dungeness crabs and oysters. Franklin is preparing dinner tonight - scallop and shrimp fettuccine with local asparagus on the side. a small token of our appreciation to the Sheppards for such an outstanding time.

Along the Oregon Trail and then Great Family Time in Washington State !!

With clearing skies, we left Willard Bay S.P. and traveled a short distance on a side trip to Golden Spike National Monument. It was really nice to get off the interstate for awhile and see the back roads of Utah. Being from railroad stock made the Golden Spike experience one of special meaning and wished that my (Aimee's) Dad could have been with us to enjoy. The history of our nation's transcontinental railroad meeting was just one more example of amazing endurance.

We made to the border of Oregon staying in the small town of Fruitland, Idaho (?). Sorry that we were too early for any of the fresh fruits and vegetables that would be for sale later on in the year. Early to bed and off to an early Friday start, enabled us to stop for lunch at one of the many Oregon wineries along the Rattlesnake Wine Trail. After putting about 450 miles under our belt, we pulled into Eddie, Karin, and Joanna's on Mercer Island, WA about 7 pm. It was SO GOOD to see them finally on their turf after only seeing in GA for so many years! BEAUTIFUL HOME, GREAT FOOD AND GREAT FELLOWSHIP!! Saturday brought with it cloudy skies but little rain until late. They were absolutely GREAT TOUR GUIDES also! We headed out to Olympic National Park by way of the Kingston/Edmonds Ferry across Puget Sound out to Olympic Peninsula . First stop at a restored port -Port Gamble- to see old buildings and neat views of the sound and on to Port Angeles which is a working port for cargo for lunch overlooking the water then a great hike through looming ephiphyte covered Douglas fir trees to Marymere waterfall. The water is cold, clear and fast. Lake Crescent is a glacier formed lake and we hiked next to the shore. A lodge is nearby and Columbia black tailed deer graze on the lawn, unafraid. Ed drove all day and we got in late. Today we met Leah and Ryan for brunch at the Seattle Space Needle-600 ft up with a revolving restaurant that completes a revolution every 45 minitutes and all of Seattle can be seen. Great brunch-prix fixee.

Plans for Wa part of trip have changed because of snow and closed roads. The North Cascade highway won't open until after Memorial Day so Winthrop and the Methoow Valley will have to wait for another trip and Mt Rainier still has all of its campgrounds closed for another week as well as are the nearby national forest campgrounds. Surprised to find so much snow so late but a full service campground is open at Packwood so we should be able to see some of Rainier. We wanted to try some dry camping before Canada but we will go ahead without a trial.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

OK! I am just a beginner!!

Please bear with me, I downloaded the same picture twice and could not correct. If anybody knows how to delete posted pictures, please let me know. I promise I will improve. Aimee


It is Just amazing the vastness of our nation!!! Utah, rugged but breathtaking, is a new state that we have not enjoyed!! After climbing through the edge of the Rockies at a whopping top speed of about 50 mph, we were able to secure a campsite at Willard Bay State Park. Little did we know, it is not part of the GREAT SALT LAKE but fresh water that contains crappie and bass just like old GA. We did get to enjoy the GREAT SALT LAKE by visiting Antelope Island. A 7 mile causeway brought us to an unbelievable 1,700 sq mi. lake that no fish inhabit but the migratory bird population and wildlife are amazing! The rain that has been steadily falling since Tuesday late night has not dampened our enjoyment, only limited our outdoor recreation. We visited downtown Salt Lake City, today and were able to make it through the weather and interstate struggles in time for the organ concert at the Mormon Tabernacle. WHAT AN OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE - OVER 11,000 PIPES! We really appreciated the endurance of the Mormons after touring Temple Square. 40 years of building the temple surely speaks for something! We plan to head out in the am but wanted to stop at Brigham City to see the Golden Spike at Promotionary Point. The place where the transcontinental railroad met. A night on the road should bring us into Seattle,WA on Friday pm. Love Franklin and Aimee

Monday, May 16, 2011

On The Road At LAST!!!

After a week of what seemed like an impossible task, we set out on our Alaska journey!! With the help of many friends, Franklin was able to repair the pasture fences even better than they were before the tornado hit and we were able to cover the dirt that was once our yard with mulch. The down trees have been moved and piled. Everyone is invited to a HUGE BOND FIRE in late fall. Really, after reflection on what was accomplished in just one week, it was truly a blessing how well everything came together for us. We are thankful to the good Lord for his guidance and direction and for the love of family and friends through this experience.

Now on to the fun!! Packed to the brim and camper in tow, we headed out as scheduled on May 10th, 2011. Arrived at Two Rivers Nebraska State Recreation Park (close to Omaha, NE) on Thursday evening for a few enjoyable days with Keith, Hanna and Grace. The weather was a little challenging -camper shaking, rain, thunder/lightening and hail - needless to say hair raising after what we had been through in Ga. Grace described it exactly, "It feels like we are a bunch of popcorn in a tin can. We enjoyed cards, movies, blowing bubbles, riding bicycles and fishing. We even got a little taste of Alaska temps., it was as cold in Nebraska as it was in Alaska on Friday and Sat. then you had to add the wind. But even through that, we still had a fire and roasted marshmallows. Left out Sunday pm and are now in Laramie, Wy.(endge of the Rocky Mtns. at about 7,400 ft. elv.) with about 1,750 miles under our belt. Plan to ride (bicycles not horses) into town tomorrow to see the Territorial Prison where outlaws like Butch Cassidy were held and the old downtown. Salt lake City is our destination for tomorrow, we plan to visit the Mormon Tabernacle and Antelope Island. We will arrive in Seattle, WA on Friday pm. and be able to visit with Eddie, Karin, Leah and JoAnna Sheppard.