Wednesday, May 18, 2011


It is Just amazing the vastness of our nation!!! Utah, rugged but breathtaking, is a new state that we have not enjoyed!! After climbing through the edge of the Rockies at a whopping top speed of about 50 mph, we were able to secure a campsite at Willard Bay State Park. Little did we know, it is not part of the GREAT SALT LAKE but fresh water that contains crappie and bass just like old GA. We did get to enjoy the GREAT SALT LAKE by visiting Antelope Island. A 7 mile causeway brought us to an unbelievable 1,700 sq mi. lake that no fish inhabit but the migratory bird population and wildlife are amazing! The rain that has been steadily falling since Tuesday late night has not dampened our enjoyment, only limited our outdoor recreation. We visited downtown Salt Lake City, today and were able to make it through the weather and interstate struggles in time for the organ concert at the Mormon Tabernacle. WHAT AN OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE - OVER 11,000 PIPES! We really appreciated the endurance of the Mormons after touring Temple Square. 40 years of building the temple surely speaks for something! We plan to head out in the am but wanted to stop at Brigham City to see the Golden Spike at Promotionary Point. The place where the transcontinental railroad met. A night on the road should bring us into Seattle,WA on Friday pm. Love Franklin and Aimee


  1. Hey, I think you are doing great! You just get all the "kinks" out of doing this blog and let me know how to do it all when we leave---LOL
    Y'all look like you are already having a great time! We loved Utah! I thought it was a nothing state until we got there--middle and north was just beautiful to us! Keep on keeping on---having fun---
    Mariyn and Jack

  2. Sounds like you're having a great time so far. Don't push yourselves to make deadlines. Stop and smell the roses. You might miss something else spectacular if you hurry.
