Monday, June 13, 2011

A few more photos of the Alaska Hwy.

1 comment:

  1. I got your post card!!!!! I love it thank you! I'm so glad you guys are enjoying your trip it looks sooo fun! I want to do a road trip soon maybe next summer.. :) Internship is awesome!!!! I love being a key part in helping build the church here in SD. It's such an honor to work with all these phenomenal people and see the true makings of pastoral leaders. I'm learning so much. I'm put through tests daily but God has done such a work in me so everyday is a new day and there is much more growth to occur!!!
    I'm hoping I can come visit sometime I don't know when but I love spending time with you guys!!! You know Cali is on the way home... ha ha
    Well love ya guys!!!!Have fun and don't get eaten by any bears...
