Friday, June 24, 2011


June 18 - 24 - Left for Sterling, Ak. along Sterling Highway off Alaska Hwy. for Swan Lake Canoe Trail - a dedicated wilderness world class canoe trail. After moving through LOTS of traffic due to Salmon fishing on the Kenai and Russian Rivers ( just like you read about people where everywhere fishing due to season just opening - definitely NOT wilderness), we picked Moose RV Park to stay while we canoed. Appropriately named since as soon as we pulled in a MOOSE strolled through the RV lot. As well as while grilling, we walked up about 100 ft. from camper and saw a mama moose with 2 calves. Babies are SO cute not able to to say as much for mama- Franklin described her as a cross between a mule and a camel. Spotted a snowshoe hare hopping through the camp with his big ole white feet and ears. Woke up Sunday to rain, visited Sterling Baptist Church and was blessed with a moving message on Fathers. Quite emotional for both of us in SO many ways. Decided to wait until Monday to head out on canoes. After a 30 mile drive into the Kenai Wildlife Refuge we unloaded and launched the canoe into the first lake. Portage was quite taxing on us both so decided to set up base camp on Canoe Lake 2 and paddle out from it each day. True wilderness was absolutely beautiful and a 1st experience of us both. Crystal clear water surrounded by spruce trees, trumpeter swans, screaming loons, crys of wolves at night and native trout that Franklin landed for dinner were just a few of the exciting experiences while out on the trail. Set up a great camp and thankfully had no bear encounters. We really enjoyed having a few days out to ourselves. Great weather while out and made it back, with a couple more trout, to RV without any issues. So glad for this chance!! Traveled about 80 miles to Homer next am with views of Cook Inlet and Kachemak N.P. mountains and volcanoes(Ring of Fire) on the drive. Pulled into Oceanview RV ,with only electric and water, on a bluff overlooking Kachemak Bay. leaving for Kodiak Island Sat. am on a 9 hr. ferry ride to tent camp off bicycles at Ft. Abercombie S.P., old WWII base, to return on 6/30 and on to Denali. Some excitement at campground when sirens went off and loudspeakers announced a tsunami warning. There was a few moments of panic but the coast guard quickly canceled the alert. Seems there was an earthquake in the Aleutians Range, across Bay(50+ miles across) that sent waves toward Russia instead of Alaska. Still a few people left for higher ground.

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