Monday, May 16, 2011

On The Road At LAST!!!

After a week of what seemed like an impossible task, we set out on our Alaska journey!! With the help of many friends, Franklin was able to repair the pasture fences even better than they were before the tornado hit and we were able to cover the dirt that was once our yard with mulch. The down trees have been moved and piled. Everyone is invited to a HUGE BOND FIRE in late fall. Really, after reflection on what was accomplished in just one week, it was truly a blessing how well everything came together for us. We are thankful to the good Lord for his guidance and direction and for the love of family and friends through this experience.

Now on to the fun!! Packed to the brim and camper in tow, we headed out as scheduled on May 10th, 2011. Arrived at Two Rivers Nebraska State Recreation Park (close to Omaha, NE) on Thursday evening for a few enjoyable days with Keith, Hanna and Grace. The weather was a little challenging -camper shaking, rain, thunder/lightening and hail - needless to say hair raising after what we had been through in Ga. Grace described it exactly, "It feels like we are a bunch of popcorn in a tin can. We enjoyed cards, movies, blowing bubbles, riding bicycles and fishing. We even got a little taste of Alaska temps., it was as cold in Nebraska as it was in Alaska on Friday and Sat. then you had to add the wind. But even through that, we still had a fire and roasted marshmallows. Left out Sunday pm and are now in Laramie, Wy.(endge of the Rocky Mtns. at about 7,400 ft. elv.) with about 1,750 miles under our belt. Plan to ride (bicycles not horses) into town tomorrow to see the Territorial Prison where outlaws like Butch Cassidy were held and the old downtown. Salt lake City is our destination for tomorrow, we plan to visit the Mormon Tabernacle and Antelope Island. We will arrive in Seattle, WA on Friday pm. and be able to visit with Eddie, Karin, Leah and JoAnna Sheppard.

1 comment:

  1. Greetings Aimee looks like you are really making good time. We met at Two Rivers (a few campers away.) Love the pictures and thanks for letting us follow. Praying for a continued safe journey for you. I am a fellow bloger as well,
